Cold Turkey
2015 - 2018

'Fall', 40x40cm Inkjet print on archival paper, Edition 3+1a.p.

The symbolic "places" that one explores in the process of detoxification, the sense of constant alertness and waiting for "for that one thing that will infinitely enlarge your life", as R.M.Rilke writes, are inscribed in an anthology of images open to interpretation.
- Matthaios Tsimitakis
“Cold Turkey” investigates the different levels of the experience of addiction and the adventure of rehabilitation, approaches the relationship between addiction and grief, that aims at the exile from the imaginary, the search for light, the way out to personal redemption.
Οι συμβολικοί «τόποι» που εξερευνά κανείς στη διαδικασία της απεξάρτησης, η αίσθηση της διαρκούς εγρήγορσης και της αναμονής «αυτού του ενός και μοναδικού πράγματος που θα επεκτείνει τη ζωή πέρα από τα όρια», όπως γράφει ο Ρ.Μ.Ρίλκε, εγγράφονται σε μια ανθολογία από εικόνες ανοιχτές σε ερμηνείες. - Ματθαίος Τσιμιτάκης
Το έργο “Cold Turkey” διερευνά τα διαφορετικά επίπεδα της εμπειρίας του εθισμού και της περιπέτειας της απεξάρτησης από αυτόν, προσεγγίζει τη σχέση της εξάρτησης με το πένθος, με στόχο την εξορία από το φαντασιακό, την αναζήτηση του φωτός, την πορεία προς τη λύτρωση, τη διέξοδο σε μια προσωπική κάθαρση.
Cold Turkey book, published by
MeMSéA, Athens 2021
Cold Turkey book is part of the following public and institutional collections:
of MoMus Museum of Photography, Thessaloniki, Greece
of Zoetrope, Athens, Greece
Collection of Photographic Group of Kavala, Greece
of LEFKI Photographic Group of Chania, Greece
Collection of BLIND Studio, Thessaloniki, Greece
Collection of Vasiliki Vlachou Bookbinding
of MISC gallery, Athens, Greece
Video by MeMSéA - Cold Turkey, making of

Chaniotika Nea / by Dimitris Maridakis / Gr / 2023
Foto Room / by Graziano Ferri / En / 2017

30 Under 30 Women Photographers 2018, Artpil + Photo Boite, 2018
Winner at Summer Call, Phroom, 2017
Cold Turkey, Photographic Encounters, Ottoman Hammam Katre Str., Chania, GR 2023 [solo]
Cold Turkey, Photopolis Festival, Old Municipal Market, Agrinio, GR 2023
Chania Photodays - Book Exhibition, Chania, GR 2023
Cold Turkey, Photobook Boom: The Greek Case, Photobiennale, Thessaloniki, GR 2021
30 Under 30 Women Photographers 2018, Maison de la Photographie,
Lille, FR 2018
30 Under 30 Women Photographers 2018, Galerie Claude Samuel, Paris, FR 2019
Cold Turkey, Circulation(s): Young European Photography Festival, screening, Paris, FR 2018
Cold Turkey, Camera Infinita, online exhibition, ES 2018
The Sense of an Ending, CAN Gallery, Athens, GR 2017
Alcanzar la cima, Begira Photo, Carpa de Askondo, Iurreta (Bizkaia), Durango, ES 2017
Medphoto Festival, Crete: Stories from the Edge, Herakleio, GR 2017

Cold Turkey - Photographic Encounters, solo exhibition, Chania, Sept-Oct 2023
IFocus / Photologio / ZarpaNews / Monopoli / Chaniotika Nea

Cold Turkey - Photopolis Festival, exhibition and book presentation, Agrinio 2023

Cold Turkey book at Thessaloniki Photobiennale 2021

Cold Turkey book at Chania Photodays, Cultural Center ‘Mikis Theodorakis’, May 2023

‘The Sense of an Ending’ group exhibition / COLD TURKEY on the left wall

First dummy of ‘Cold Turkey’, presented at CAN Gallery in Athens 2017
Festival Circulation(s): Young European Photography Festival

‘Crete: Stories from the Edge’, Medphoto, Herakleio, GR 2017 / banner & installation view
FEATURED IN [selected]
Orama Minimal Frames
To Pikap Community
Landscape Stories
Eyescape Magazine
Musee Magazine
Square Magazine
Artistas Sean Unidos
Contributor Magazine
C41 Magazine
Another Place
Positive Magazine
001 zerozerouno

Paralysis, at Orama Minimal Frames 10 Years, GR, December 2023

Nakedness / Γύμνια 2016, edition 2/3